SYN-ENOSIS objective is to undertake systematic and organized initiatives nationwide that give prominence to the significant social impact of the shipping community in Greece.
Greek shipping has indelibly marked every important period of Greece’s past and present. It is therefore a commonly held belief and desire, among both the young and elder members of the shipping community, to continue to positively contribute towards our country and its history.
In recent years the shipping community, through the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), implemented various initiatives to support a large number of vulnerable social groups that have been deeply affected by the adverse economic conditions in our country. These initiatives focused on the provision of food and medical care, supporting organizations and social welfare institutions, and strengthening maritime education, thereby placing the shipping community in solidarity with fellow citizens who struggle for a decent living.
The culmination of this collective action was the decision to establish a separate legal non-profit entity, SYN-ENOSIS, the Greek Shipowners’ Social Welfare Company.
Following the successful results of the social responsibility initiatives undertaken by the shipping community in recent years throughout the country, the Greek Shipowners’ Social Welfare Company SYN-ENOSIS was established in 2016 by members of the Union of Greek Shipowners.
SYN-ENOSIS aims to become the permanent vehicle and a solid reference point for the collective social responsibility of the shipping community.
SYN-ENOSIS’ task is to contribute to Greek society by supporting social welfare programmes and activities for vulnerable social groups and for projects of public interest, through the provision of humanitarian and charitable aid.